2021 Cactus Camp - Video

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2021 Cactus Camp - Video

Eliminating the daily commute to swim, bike, run and eat will allow us more time together to share stories and insight that you can carry into this new season of racing. Cactus Camp is an opportunity to establish a precise strategy of growth to unlock your performance in the year ahead. And what better way to start the year than training hard with your team mates in the perfect desert oasis.
We secured set room rates to include a food package for this destination camp so the only thing you need to worry about is how far you want to ride and what time you booked your spa treatment. For those who book by Oct 1st, you will receive a $100 spa credit. In the attachment you will learn more about the resort, our room rates, and the layout of the property. We encourage athletes to invite your significant others as the resort is rated number 5 in the world by Condé Naste. We will have access to more than 10 free daily classes ranging from strength training to yoga which they can join as well. This camp is built for anyone looking to challenge themselves and to connect with like minded individuals.

Cactus Camp 2021

Email me if your interested in next years camp



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